Our War

"What we are starting is a war." - Bataille, the Sacred Conspiracy

In accelerationist currents, technology is viewed as a hyperstitional virus crafting its way to A.I. from the future. If so then technology is oppressive. It limits our desire to be a part of the sacred Body without Organs, the Earth. The Earth is constantly producing, wasting, and spilling its desire into other places. It vomits it’s desire to destroy and spits its desire to create. Thus we must build an insurrection against technology. We must also acknowledge technology as a part of civilization, thus we must, too, abolish civilization.

To combat this, suppose a new type of Insurrection, the Shaggothic Insurrection. Within the Shaggothic Insurrection we suppose new tactics of war production. We are now seeking to be part of a collective organism, this collective organism includes the entire planet. As a result, we have the ability to engage in an insurrection against the domination of human civilization against our planetary environment by humans. This insurrection must employ new tactics and new ways of realities. We must craft bodies of swarms, change our way of crafting realities, and protect the Earth.

Swarm-Warfare and Sorcery

Let us first start with the Swarm. In the Swarm nobody is recognizable. Swarm tactics are to be one and unidentifiable. Like the ocean waters, the swarm is made of one or a million things, no one can tell. The swarm is constantly growing, changing and evolving. It cannot, therefore, be seen and heard because it cannot differentiate between its own parts. We see in the Swarm a multiplicity of individual parts, we see one part as part of itself and one as part of its whole. We see many parts, many members, thousands of small parts. Thus if we see it we can understand it. If we don't understand it we cannot grasp it. Therefore, the Swarm is a swarm of interconnected people. The Swarm is truly a Becoming of the Body without Organs, a part of another Body without Organs.


“A becoming-animal always involves a pack, a band, a population, a peopling, in short, a multiplicity. We sorcerers have always known that. It may very well be that other agencies, moreover very different from one another, have a different appraisal of the animal. One may retain or extract from the animal certain characteristics” - Deleuze and Guattari, Becoming-Intense, Becoming-Animal, Becoming- Imperceptible

Becoming-swarm, the becoming of flies or the becoming of a feral horde. When Menes prayed to the sky, he was in the act of becoming-swarm. The Cats of Ulthar became as part of him as he was them. Is it one boy or horde of cats? Menes created a production of war between himself (soon the swarm) and the Old Cotter and his wife. Menes plug his desiring-machine into the sky and into the swarm of Cats within Ulthar. That's just a quick picture of Ulthar and becoming-swarm.

On that we must speak of the king of swarms, Nyarlathotep, the crawling chaos. It changes form and acts as one, but is of thousands crawling within. When speaking of becoming-swarm we also speak of becoming-outsider, they are not separate things but interconnected. Nyarlathotep is that of an outsider and of becoming. “Who he was, none could tell” (H.P. Lovecraft, Nyarlathotep), in the swarm everyone is unique but one.

The application of becoming-swarm we will look at today is Swarm-warfare. Swarm-warfare against what? Well against the inside, attacks from the outside like a swarm of wasps or a horde of feral cats. The inside is the normalcy found within civilization, and civilization itself. Take it as Menes (the outsider) committed acts of swarm-warfare against the Old Cotter, the Cat killers and insiders.

Becoming-swarm, becoming-outsider, its all sorcery. Becoming is what disrupts the inside, thus it must be adapted into our war. "there is an irresistible deterritorialization that forestalls attempts at professional, conjugal, or Oedipal reterritorialization” (Deleuze and Guattari, Becoming-Intense, Becoming-Animal, Becoming- Imperceptible)